
One Man's mission to stop the killing of children in the Omo Valley

28 Feb 0 Comment

Winner: Best Documentary Washington DC Indy!

We won our World Premiere!  Thank you DC Independent, what an honor.  Thank you to all the staff and volunteers who put on a great festival.  We proud to have had our World Premiere with you.

20 Feb 0 Comment

Cleveland International Film Fest!

It's official, Omo Child: The River and the Bush has been selected for the 39th Cleveland International Film Festival!  We are proud, excited, honored...simply humbled that our movie is making an impact.  The film has been selected for the "Greg Gund Standing Up" Competition which focuses on films with the mission to change the world and celebrates the spirit of activism and the fight for social justice. It highlights personal stories featuring individuals who set out to teach lessons on how to live a better life. One of the aspects all these films share is the impact they make on viewers lo

18 Feb 0 Comment

Sun Valley Film Festival – Here we come…

We are very pleased to announce that Omo Child: The River and the Bush is headed to Idaho and the Sun Valley Film Festival! It has been a very busy couple of weeks here and we will have some more great news to share soon.  We would like to say Thank You to everyone at the Sun Valley Film Festival for supporting our movie.  Looking forward to the festival and who knows maybe we will meet Clint Eastwood!