
One Man's mission to stop the killing of children in the Omo Valley

18 Aug 0 Comment

Winner: Best Documentary Oceanside International

We had an incredible time at Oceanside International Film Festival and we are honored to take home Best Documentary.  Thank you to all the jury members and volunteers who are working hard to bring independent film to the screen.  We sincerely appreciate it.

03 Jun 0 Comment

Audience Choice Award: Best Documentary Mammoth Lakes

We are really proud to announce that we won the Audience Choice Award at Mammoth Lakes Film Festival!  There is something very special about winning the Audience Award at any festival but we are really honored to win here as the competition was really tough.  Shira Dubrovner and Paul Sbrizzi put together an impressive line up of films and we were honored to take part.  To come away with the Audience Choice for Best Doc when you are going up against films like Cartel Land, The Chinese Mayor, and Steve Jobs: The Man and the Machine is quite special.  What a great festival, we enjoyed it so m

29 Apr 0 Comment

Winner: “Best of Fest” ASU Human Rights Film Festival

We just got the great news!  Omo Child: The River and the Bush has received the "Best of Fest" award from Arizona State University's Human Rights Film Festival.  What a wonderful honor to be recognized at a festival that is specifically programed around bringing awareness to human rights issues around the globe.  Thank you ASU!

06 Apr 0 Comment

WINNER: Palm Beach International Film Festival!

Proud and honored to announce Omo Child: The River and the Bush has won best documentary at the 29th Palm Beach International Film Festival!  For the record - to date we have been in four festivals, won three awards, two for best documentary.  It's humbling...truly humbling.  When we finished this film and started to enter it into film festivals we had no idea what to expect.  The response has been overwhelming and we are so happy that audiences are responding to the film.  We hope it brings a lot of eyes and awareness to Omo Child and the work that Lale Labuko continues today in the Omo